Unsilencing Her: The Urgent Battle Against Female Genital Mutilation

A razor blade and a knife used for Female Genital Mutilation [FGM](PHOTO CREDIT: ICWA)

Every year on February 6th, the world comes together to observe the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). This year, the resonating theme is "Her Voice. Her Future."

 February 8, 2024 Reading Time: 3 mins read

The Alarming Cost of Silence

February 6th isn't just any ordinary day; it's a day of global significance, marked with a powerful message: "Her Voice. Her Future." Yes, it's the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), an occasion to amplify the voices of millions of girls and women who have been affected by this harmful practice.

A Grim Reality

Picture this: in these 30 countries of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia more than two hundred million girls and women have been subjected to FGM. The figure is not just a number; it’s an awful truth about the sufferings of so many people. And what is projected for 2024? Some 4,390 girls at risk per day—that’s more than chilling statistic. The gravity is unquestionable.

The Violation of Rights

FGM is not just a failed medical procedure; it’s human rights violation, especially those of girls and women in their twenties. Rightly, it refers to the WHO that this practice is particularly mentioned in connection with under-aged victims tortured by those practicing witchcraft. It is disastrous violation of rights to life, health and security besides physical privacy.

The Spectrum of Brutality

This abhorrent practice comes in various forms, from the partial or total removal of genitalia to infibulation, a gruesome act that narrows the vaginal opening. It's a spectrum of brutality, from excruciating pain to severe complications like infections and even death. The suffering knows no bounds.

Holding onto Hope

But amidst this darkness, there's a glimmer of hope. Over the past three decades, global efforts have led to a decline in FGM prevalence. It's a testament to the power of collective action and advocacy. However, these hard-won gains are precarious. In the face of crises like disease outbreaks, climate change, and armed conflicts, progress hangs in the balance. We must remain vigilant to ensure that the road to 2030 is one where FGM is but a painful memory, not a present reality.